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IMG_256 所获荣誉














   主要从事洞穴沉积和气候环境演变研究,从不同时间尺度论述了亚洲季风变化历史、动力学机制及其与全球变化的关系,构建了二十万年来中国石笋同位素气候地层学相对完整的研究体系。重要的科学发现有:(1)在轨道尺度上,解决了深海沉积、黄土地层和冰芯等长尺度气候记录无法直接定年的问题,建立了最近两个冰期旋回洞穴石笋同位素高分辨率气候地层序列,揭示了亚洲夏季风强度变化具有强烈的岁差旋回特征,以可靠的年代学数据证实了太阳辐射直接驱动亚洲季风的假说。Nature同期评论:“这对理解亚洲季风具有不可估量的价值”。该成果入选2008年度“中国高等学校十大科技进展” 和“中国十大基础研究新闻”。(2)在千年尺度上,中国石笋同位素记录的精确时间标尺有效弥补了格陵兰冰芯年代学的不足,已成为当前全球古气候对比的另一基准。其中,2001年发表在Science上的论文被115种SCI源刊他引1000余次,并入选近十年Science期刊最具影响力的31篇论文。在爱思唯尔2015 中国高被引学者榜单地球和行星科学领域中名列第8。同时,末次冰期东亚季风突变事件与格陵兰冰芯记录一一耦合,并始终贯穿于格陵兰冰芯难以涉及的倒数第二次冰期,这种冰期/间冰期旋回中持续的千年尺度气候振荡为其全球性和自相似特征提供了可靠的证据。(3)建立了目前全新世最高分辨率的亚洲季风气候记录,发现在百年-数十年尺度上季风气候振荡与太阳活动强度具有很好的相关性,提供了太阳活动驱动地球气候变化的可靠依据。Science同期评论认为,该研究成果将有力地推动国际古气候数值模拟工作。



IMG_256 2003.1-2006.12  国家自然科学基金-国家杰出青年科学基金;

2004.1-2006.12  国家自然科学基金-海外青年学者合作研究基金;

2003.1-2007.12  高等学校全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金资助项目;

2005.1-2009.12  “973”项目子课题;

2007.1-2010.12  国家自然科学基金-重点项目;

2006.4-2008.12  省级、部级项目-教育部创新团队;

2008.7-2011.12  省基础研究计划 (攀登计划);

2010.6-2014.12  “973”项目子课题;

2012.1-2016.12  国家自然科学基金-重点项目;

2016.1-2019.12  国家自然科学基金-面上项目。



1.IMG_256*Yongjin Wang, Hai Cheng, RLawrence Edwards, et al. 2008. Millennial- and orbital-scale changes in the East Asian monsoon over the past 224,000 years. Nature, 451:1090-1093

2.*Wang Y J, Cheng H, Edwards R L, et al. 2005. The Holocene Asian Monsoon: links to solar changes and North Atlantic climate. Science, 308: 854-857

3.*Wang Y J, Cheng H, Edwards R L, et al. 2001. A high-resolution absolute-dated Late Pleistocene monsoon record from Hulu Cave, China. Science, 294: 2345-2348

4.*Wang Y J, Wu J Y, Liu D, et al. 2002. A quick cooling event of the East Asian monsoon responding to Heinrich Event 1: Evidence from stalagmite δ18O records. Science in China (series D), 45 (1): 88-96

5.*Wang Y J, Wu J Y, Wu J Q, et al. 2001. Correlation between high-resolution climate records from a Nanjing stalagmite and GRIP ice core during the last glaciation. Science in China (series D), 44 (1): 14-23

6.Yongjin Wang, Hai Cheng, Luo Conglun, et al. 1999. TIMS U-series ages of speleothems from the Tangshan caves, Nanjing, Chinese Science Bulletin, 44(21): 1987-1991

7.Wang Yongjin, Chen Qi, Liu Zechun, et al. 1998. A continuous 200ka paleoclimate record from stalagmite in Tangshan Cave, Nanjing. Chinese Science Bulletin, 43(3): 233-237

8.WANG Yongjin, FANG Yesen and FANG Jinman. 1995. The first discovery of aggegates of gibbsite and metahalloysite with unique morphology. Chinese Science Bulletin, 40(4): 320-324

9.Wang Yongjin, Yan Hao, Gao Wenli. 1997. Particle size Distribution of Kaolinite and Halloysite in Weathering products of Granite and its implications for Pedogenesis. Pedosphere, 7(3): 211-218

10.Zhao K, Wang Y*, Edwards R L, et al. 2015. A high-resolved record of the Asian Summer Monsoon from Dongge Cave, China for the past 1200 years. Quaternary Science Reviews, 122:250-257.

11.Duan F, Wu J, Wang Y*, et al., 2015. A 3000-yr annually laminated stalagmite record of the Last Glacial Maximum from Hulu Cave, China. Quaternary Research, 83(2):360-369.

12.Fucai Duan, Yongjin Wang*, Chuan-Chou Shen, et al., 2014. Evidence for solar cycles in a late Holocene speleothem record from Dongge Cave China. Scientific Report, 6(4):1-7.

13. Fucai Duan, Dianbing Liu, Hai Cheng, Xianfeng Wang, Yongjin Wang*, Xinggong Kong, Shitao Chen. 2014. A high-resolution monsoon record of millennial-scale oscillations during Late MIS 3 from Wulu Cave, south-west China. Journal of Quaternary Science, 29(1): 83-90.

14.汪永进教授Dianbing Liu, Yongjin Wang*, Xinggong Kong, Shitao Chen, Hai Cheng. 2013. Centennial-scale Asian monsoon variability during the mid-Younger Dryas from Qingtian Cave, central China. Quaternary Research, 80: 199-206. 

15.     Jiangying Wu, Yongjin Wang*, Hai Cheng, et al. 2012. Stable isotope and trace element investigation of two contemporaneous annually-laminated stalagmites from northeastern China surrounding the “8.2ka event”. Climate of the Past, 8(5): 1497-1507, doi: 10.5194/cp-8-1497-2012.

16.   Yingfang Cui, Yongjin Wang*, Hai Cheng, et al. 2012. Isotopic and lithologic variations of one precisely dated stalagmite across the Medieval/LIA period from Heilong Cave, central China. Climate of the Past, 8(5): 1541-1550, doi: 10.5194/cp-8-1541-2012.

17.     Kan Zhao, Yongjin Wang*, R. Lawrence Edwards, et al. 2010. High-resolution stalagmite δ18O records of Asian monsoon changes in central and southern China spanning the MIS 3/2 transition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 298: 191-198

18.     Dianbing Liu, Yongjin Wang*, Hai Cheng, et al. 2010. Sub-millennial variability of Asian monsoon intensity during the early MIS 3 and its analogue to the ice age terminations. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29: 1107-1115

19.    Jinguo Dong, Yongjin Wang*, Hai Cheng, et al. 2010. A high-resolution stalagmite record of the Holocene East Asian monsoon from Mt Shennongjia, central China. Holocene, 20(2): 1-8

20.Dianbing Liu, Yongjin Wang*, Hai Cheng, et al. 2008. A detailed comparison of Asian Monsoon intensity and Greenland temperature during the Allerød and Younger Dryas events. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 272: 691-697

21.Shitao Chen, Yongjin Wang*, Xinggong Kong, et al. 2006. A possible Yongger Dryas-type event during Asian monsoonal Termination 3. Science in China (series D), 49(9): 982-990

22.Xiaohua Shao, Yongjin Wang*, Hai Cheng, et al. 2006. Long-term trend and abrupt events of the Holocene Asian monsoon inferred from a stalagmite δ18O record from Shennongjia in Central China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(2): 221-228

23.Yaoqi He, Yongjin Wang*, Xinggong Kong, et al. 2005. High resolution stalagmite δ18O records over the past 1000 years from Dongge Cave in Guizhou. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50 (10): 1003-1008

24. Xiuyang Jiang, Yongjin Wang*, Xinggong Kong, et al. 2005. Abrupt climate change of East Asian Monsoon at 130 kaBP inferred from a high resolu-tion stalagmite δ18O record. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(23): 2765-2769

25. Jiangying Wu, Yongjin Wang*, Hai Cheng, et al. 2002. A high-resolution stalagmite O-C isotope record from Nanjing and its rapid response to climatic events. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(2): 139-143

26. Runyuan Kuang, Yongjin Wang*, Xianghua Zhang, et al. 2002. Implication for soil environment from uranium isotopes of stalagmites. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47 (19): 1653-1658

27. Kyoung-nam Jo, Kyung Sik Woo, Sangheon Yi, Dong Yoon Yang, Hyoun Soo Lim, Yongjin Wang, et al. 2014. Mid-latitude interhemispheric hydrologic seesaw over the past 550,000 years. Nature, 508, 378-382.

28. Weihong Zhang, Jiangying Wu, Yi Wang, Yongjin Wang, et al. 2014. A detailed East Asian monsoon history surrounding the ‘Mystery Interval’ derived from three Chinese speleothem records. Quaternary Research, 82(1): 154-163.

29. Zhengyu Liu, Xinyu Wen, E.C. Brady, B. Otto-Bliesner, Ge Yu, Huayu Lu, Hai Cheng, Yongjin Wang, et al. 2014. Chinese cave records and the East Asian Summer Monsoon. Quaternary Science Reviews, 83: 115-128

30.Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, Chuan-Chou Shen, Victor J. Polyak, Yemane Asmerom, Jon Woodhead, John Hellstrom, Yongjin Wang, et al. 2013. Improvements in 230Th dating, 230Th and 234U half-life values, and U–Th isotopic measurements by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 371-372: 82-91

31.Edouard Bard, Guillemette Ménot, Frauke Rostek, Laetitia Licari, Philipp Böning, R Lawrence Edwards, Hai Cheng, Yongjin Wang, et al. 2013. Radiocarbon calibration/ comparison records based on marine sediments from the Pakistan and Iberian margins. Radiocarbon, 55 (4): 1999-2019

32.John Southon, Alexandra L. Noronha, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, Yongjin Wang, 2012. A high-resolution record of atmo spheric 14C based on Hulu Cave speleothem H82. Quaternary Science Reviews, 33: 32-41

33.Kyoung-nam Jo, Kyung Sik Woo, Hyoun Soo Lim, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, Yongjin Wang, et al. 2011. Holocene and Eemian climatic optima in the Korean Peninsula based on textural and carbon isotopic records from the stalagmite of the Daeya Cave, South Korea. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30: 1218-1231  

34.     IMG_256 Kyoung-nam Jo, Kyung Sik Woo, Hai Cheng, Lawrence R. Edwards, Yongjin Wang, Ryeon Kim, Xiuyang Jiang. 2010. Textural and carbon isotopic evidence of monsoonal changes recorded in a composite-type speleothem from Korea since MIS 5a. Quaternary Research, 7: 100-112

35.     Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, Wallace S. Broecker, George H. Denton, Xinggong Kong, Yongjin Wang, et al. 2009. Ice Age Terminations. Science, 326:248-252

36.     Pingzhong Zhang, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, Fahu Chen, Yongjin Wang. 2008. A Test of Climate, Sun, and Culture Relationships from an 1810-Year Chinese Cave Record. Science, 322: 940

37.     Treble P C, Schmitt A K, Edwards R L, Mckeegan K D, Horrison T M. Grove M, Cheng H, Wang Y J. 2007. High resolution secondary ionization mass spectrometer (SIMS) delta O-18 analysis of Hulu Cave speleothem at the time of Heinrich event 1, Chemical Geology, 238(3-4): 197-211

38.     Xianfeng Wang, Augusto S Auler, R L Edwards, Hai Cheng, Emi Ito, Yongjin Wang, et al. 2007. Millennial-scale precipitation changes in southern Brazil over the past 90,000 years. Geophysical Research Letter, 34, L23701, doi:10.1029/2007GL031149

39.     Hai Cheng, R Lawrence, Yongjin Wang, et al. 2006. A penultimate glacial monsoon record from Hulu Cave and two-phase glacial terminations. Geology, 34(3): 217-220

40.     R. Lawrence Edwards, Daoxian Yuan, Zhisheng An, Yongjin Wang, et al. 2006. Timing and nature of late Quaternary climate change from cave deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70(18): A155-A155

41.     Daoxian Yuan, Hai Cheng, R Lawrence Edwards, Carolyn A. Dykoski, Megan J. Kelly, Meiliang Zhang, Jiaming Qing, Yushi Lin, Yongjin Wang, et al. 2004. Timing, Duration, and Transitions of the Last Interglacial Asian Monsoon. Science, 304: 575-578

42.     Chen Jun, Wang Yongjin, Chen Yang, et al. 2000. Rb and Sr geochemical characterization of the Chinese loess stratigraphy and its implications for palaeomonsoon climate. Acta Geologica Sinica, 74(2): 279-288

43.     Chen Jun, Junfeng Ji, Yan Chen, Zhisheng An, John A, Yongjin Wang. 2000. Use of Rubidium to date loess and paleosols of the Louchuan sequence, central China, Quaternary Research, 54:198-205

44.     Jian Wang, Yongjin Wang, Zechun Liu, et al. 1999. Cenozoic environmental evolution of the Qaidam Basin and its implications for the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and drying of central Asia, PalaeoGeography, PalaeoClimatology, PalaeoEcology, 152: 37-47

45.     Zechun Liu, Yongjin Wang, Chen Ye, et al. 1998. Magnetostratigraphy and sediment- logically derived geochronology of the Quaternary lacustrine deposits of a 3000m thick sequence in the central Qaidam basin, western China. PalaeoGeography, PalaeoClimatology, PalaeoEcology, 140: 459-473

46.     崔英方, 汪永进, 刘殿兵. 2011. 黔西南雾露洞石笋记录的MIS3晚期亚洲季风变化和南北极气候的联系. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 31(3): 101-107

47.     赵侃, 汪永进. 2011. 黔西南石笋记录MIS3/2阶段百年尺度季风演变和H事件特征. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 31(2):121-128

48.     刘殿兵, 汪永进, 陈仕涛, 等. 2008. 东亚季风MIS3早期DO事件的亚旋回及全球意义. 第四纪研究, 28(1): 169-176

49.     姜修洋, 汪永进, 孔兴功, 等. 2008. 末次间冰期东亚季风气候不稳定的神农架洞穴石笋记录. 沉积学报, 26(1): 139-143

50.     邱庆伦, 汪永进. 2007. 阿勒罗德至新仙女木早期气候转型特征. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 27(2): 107-112

51.     童凯, 汪永进, 程海, 等. 2007. 57-48万年前东亚夏季风的神农架石笋记录. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 27(2): 112-116

52.     刘殿兵, 汪永进, 陈仕涛. 2007. 神农架天鹅洞石笋76-58 kaBP时段DO事件. 沉积学报, 25(1): 131-138

53.     陈仕涛*, 汪永进, 吴江滢, 等. 2006. 东亚季风气候对Heinrich2事件的响应: 来自石笋的高分辨率记录. 地球化学, 35(6): 586-592

54.     姜修洋, 汪永进, 孔兴功, 等. 2006. 神农架140-124 kaBP 百年尺度东亚季风降水的石笋记录. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 26(3): 39-44

55.     吴江滢, 汪永进, 孔兴功, 等. 2006. 贵州白骨洞石笋记录的全新世季风气候演化与突变. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 26(5): 55-60

56.     夏志峰, 汪永进, 吴江滢. 2006. 末次盛冰期南京降水记录中ENSO的演化. 南京师范大学学报, 1(29): 106-110

57.     吴江滢, 汪永进. 1999. 再论南京汤山直立人生存时代问题. 中国岩溶, 18(4): 375-379

58.     张振球, 刘殿兵, 汪永进. 2014. 中全新世东亚季风年至10年际气候变率:湖北青天洞5.56~4.84 ka B.P.石笋年层厚度与地球化学证据. 第四纪研究, 34(6): 1246-1255 

59.     赵侃, 陈仕涛, 崔英方, 汪永进, 程海. 2015. 神农架石笋记录的近200年东亚季风变化及其ENSO响应. 地理研究, 34(1): 74-84.

60.     王权, 刘殿兵, 汪永进, 等. 2015. 湖北神农架年纹层石笋记录的YD与8.2ka事件转型模式研究. 沉积学报, 33(6): 1140-1148.


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